“Do not feed the trolls” signs from USENET

I haven't made any of these myself. I've just encountered them on the net and saved them for future usage. :-) As far as my judgement goes, they are a part of a common net culture, and have been copied over and over again in public, so from practical point of view, I consider them to be in public domain. From a legal point of view, I don't really know. If there is an author of one or more of ASCII drawings on this page and you have a problem with this page, please contact me at jni@iki.fi.

                   /|  /|  |                          |
                   ||__||  |       Please don't       |
                  /   O O\__           feed           |
                 /          \       the trolls        |
                /      \     \                        |
               /   _    \     \ ---------------------- 
              /    |\____\     \     ||                
             /     | | | |\____/     ||                
            /       \|_|_|/   |    __||                
           /  /  \            |____| ||                
          /   |   | /|        |      --|               
          |   |   |//         |____  --|               
   * _    |  |_|_|_|          |     \-/                
*-- _--\ _ \     //           |                        
  /  _     \\ _ //   |        /                        
*  /   \_ /- | -     |       |                         
  *      ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________             

         +-------------------+             .:\:\:/:/:.            
         |   PLEASE DO NOT   |            :.:\:\:/:/:.:           
         |  FEED THE TROLLS  |           :=.' -   - '.=:          
         |                   |           '=(\ 9   9 /)='          
         |   Thank you,      |              (  (_)  )             
         |       Management  |              /`-vvv-'\             
         +-------------------+             /         \            
                 |  |        @@@          / /|,,,,,|\ \           
                 |  |        @@@         /_//  /^\  \\_\          
   @x@@x@        |  |         |/         WW(  (   )  )WW          
   \||||/        |  |        \|           __\,,\ /,,/__           
    \||/         |  |         |          (______Y______)          

|  PLEASE  |
|  DO NOT  |
|  TROLLS  |
    |  |    
    |  |    

         (o o)       
| Please            |
|   don't feed the  |
|     TROLL's !     |
         || ||       
        ooO Ooo      

      _____________                 _____________                    
         `-._    ..::|                 `-._    ..::|       .         
             `.  ..::|                     `.  ..::|      /|         
              |  ..::|                      |  ..::|     /.|         
              |  ..::|   _____              |  ..::|    / :|         
    .--------.|  ..::|.-'  ..::-.---. .-----|  ..::|   / .:|         
    | /\    .::. ..:.'       ..::`.  '      |  ..::|  / .::| /\      
    |/  \    .::\../           ..::\        |  ..::| / ..::|/  \     
.---'    '---..::bd        _    ..::b.._    |  ..::|/ ..---'    '---.
 `-.      .-' .::PI       (_)   ..::m   )   |       ..::`-.      .-' 
   /      \  ..:/.q             ..::w  /   .|       .:'   /      \   
  /_.-``-._\..:' ..\           ..::/  /   .:|       ''---/_.-``-._\  
  ' |  ..:.`  |  ..:`.       ..::,'  /   .::|            ..:.     `  
    |  ..:|   |  ..::|`-.__..::-':| /  .::' |  ..:::|'.   ..:\       
    |  ..:J  ,'  ..:::.   ,'   ..::/ ..:'  ,'  ..::::. )   .::b      
    | ..:/  /____..::::\ /____...:/ .:'   /____..:::::/   ..::P      
    |.:,'                        /.:'                /  ..:::'       
    |,'                         /.'                 / ..:-'          
    '                           '                  /,-'              
Janne Nikula, jni@iki.fi